Monday, September 2, 2019

"Catch a Wave"

Last week (on the 28th), I learned the organ solo in "Catch a Wave" (or at least I'm pretty close).  Here's just that section, with the incidental organ part (which - along with the chords - I learned two years ago) before and after it.

I don't know what type of organ was used on the recording, but I used the Farfisa sound on my keyboard (my drawbar settings sound a bit brighter than the original, but for the record, here's what I used:  bass 16, oboe 8, trumpet 8, flute 4, 2 2/3).

After learning the organ solo, I was still thinking about the song, and I realized that "long" in the line "Not just a fad, 'cause it's been goin' on so long" is held for at least five beats (more than a whole measure), illustrating duration.  While recording my example, I discovered that the "long" in the backing "They said it wouldn't last too long" is sung with a melisma (F# A G F# A), also illustrating duration.