Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"I'm Waiting for the Day"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


I hadn't done anything on this project for awhile, so I decided to start listening to the albums regularly in the hopes that I'd become more familiar with the songs, which would then help in learning them.  In listening to Pet Sounds two days ago, I found a similarity between "I'm Waiting for the Day" and the Beatles' "When I'm Sixty-Four," which I wrote about here.

Then I decided to learn the little piano part in "I'm Waiting for the Day" (figuring that it would be pretty easy), but I ended up learning the chords.  I'm not sure if I have the right voicings in the organ part though.

My version ends just before the string section, because I have no way of duplicating it (and haven't learned the notes anyway).  I just resolved it on E major.

I figured out a bit of the bass part, but most of what I figured out is the part after that string section (it's just a descending E major scale), so I didn't include that either.

I tried doing the vocals too, but they're not the best.  Some of the backing vocals might sound a bit weird because I don't usually sing that high.  I'm also missing the "He hurt you then, but that's all done" because I can't sing that high (or at least not that high and in key).