Sunday, March 11, 2018


I've been going through the parts I learned last year and making sure that I actually wrote them down.  In April, I learned one of the guitar parts and the bass part for "Stoked," but I notated only the guitar part.  I vaguely remembered that the bass part just doubles that guitar part (an octave lower), but I had to reference the recording to make sure.

In doing so, I discovered that my notation of the guitar part (which I did in June) is off by a half-step.  I don't understand how I messed this up, but I notated it in Bb major where it's actually in A major.  Like I mentioned in my post from June, the tuning in the recording seems off, so maybe that's how I got confused.

In any case, here's the updated notation.

Repeating guitar phrases:


I'm a little unsure of the accuracy of the last measure in each of these.  Additionally, in one iteration of the bass part, it seems that the E quarter note in the second to last measure is replaced by two eighth notes (an E and an A, at about 0:40).  It's a bit difficult to distinguish the parts under the lead guitar though.